Keep in mind that you are doing this (making videos) for the viewer. If you spend too much time trying to get it perfect, they might never get to see it and you will not be helping anyone that way. I once spent six months creating a series of videos that I finally uploaded and no one ever watched them. I spent too much time preparing and too little time presenting. Don’t be like I was, get your stuff “out there” warts and all.
This is about reaching people’s hearts and their minds
People respond to your humanity, more than they do your polished performance. It is wise to have a through knowledge of your subject matter and a clear path to lead your viewers along. Beyond that, you can lose the emotional connection that a looser or more relaxed presentation can establish.
Professional without being boring
Be careful not to go too far over to the side of sloppy, which can really annoy people because they do not want their time wasted any more than you do. What it boils down to is this: the people that you are going to attract will be drawn to you and your style. That may be buttoned down or it may be ripped tee shirts and jump cuts. Trying to be too tight might not work for many people because they simply can’t relate. Also, it is exhausting to get there over and over again….
Leave some room to riff
It is possible to drain the life out of your performance by working it beyond your competence in the craft. Once you know it by heart, then live it live instead of over analyzing ever nuance and introducing a lot more questions into how you are going to deliver your message. You will run the risk of being paralyzed by thinking more than doing. The benefits of practice diminish once you have it memorized and know what you are going emphasize in each sentence.
Who I am:
I’m Philip Quintas and I make it easier for customers to trust you before and after they buy from you by creating simple videos that help you help more people.
If you want one-to-one help with making better videos, I can answer your questions and even write, shoot, edit, upload and promote videos for you or any combination of these services. Sign up using the Email Address* and First Name* form on this website to get direct access to me, my experience and offerings.