I imported some posts from my old Blogger blog to lend a little more credibility to this website. You can learn some tips about video production from me here.
Although my focus has shifted since I began to post, my mission is essentially the same. I continue to help people learn how to show up (and look good doing it) on the web.
Media has changed a lot since I got involved in video production. My roots go back to the days of 8mm motion picture film. I still have the viewer/editor I used to cut up and reassemble those old rolls of photo-chemically enhanced celluloid. Back then we used to scratch the emulsion off a fraction of a frame and apply glue to make an edit.
When I was in my mid 20’s I paid a one-time floating deposit at the Tucson Community Cable Corporation and took a series of courses on studio and field production, editing and other related subjects….(to be continued)